Wednesday, September 14, 2011


"Sometimes, when one tugs at one thing in nature they find it attached to the whole world. "

Colored Pencil and Marker drawing I did for my Boston Architectural College Application. On an 8x10 piece of paper inspired by a choice of three quotes. I chose the quote above. Thinking of making a much larger Oil painting with similar content..

Allie Monday

Portrait of Allie Monday commissioned by her Husband for their anniversary.

My best mate.

Sent to my best mate on her birthday to remind her to stay in the pod with the other peas.

This misplaced space

It's raining (I stand staring at the umbrella you hold strong grasped in your grips and long to be close enough that you would hold me so long in your grasp so strong because the space between us is misplaced yet fragile for I could shatter the echo of your whisper with the bat of my eyes I stay still exposed to the dripping wet because I need to know that what you see in the rain and in the moonlight is not what I imagined for only then will I know that when you kiss me it is real) Do you love me or the rain?